DISCLAIMER: Typically, we will be sharing work and progress from our clients’ homes. However, we thought we would kick off the blog by sharing Josh and Amanda (of RSW Building)’s experience in transforming their first house with good bones to a home they love!
“As first time homeowners, we couldn’t have been more thrilled to finally have a home of our own. We were 5 months pregnant when we received the keys, and I already had the “nesting” bug. This was the beginning of our life as a family of three (+ one dog). Our 1.5 year old goldendoodle, Luna, was the first to enter our house because, of course, she had to smell all the things. Josh carried me through the threshold of our new (and yucky) doorway, and I was so proud he didn’t drop my pregnant self. We giggled like little kids on Christmas morning and basked in the glory that was our new home. We were completely excited about everything. There were dead mice on the floors, a strange musty smell filling the air, old poop still in the toilet… It was disgusting. But. It. Was. Ours. We could see the potential as we walked through the rooms for the first time. Josh and I were decked out in rose-colored-glasses and knew this would (one day) be the perfect home to raise our baby in.
But we had work to do.
One of the first things we knew needed to change about our home was the lighting. We are both really fond of natural light, and between the paint on the walls and the wall separating the rooms - light was hard to come by. So we began dreaming and planning.
Since the wall dividing the living room and kitchen was load bearing, removing it completely was tricky and near impossible for our budget. We ended up installing a beam in the attic to hold up the ceiling, and cut out a half wall. This way, the natural light would fill the space between the two rooms throughout the day, regardless of whether the sun was rising or setting. The half wall created the opportunity to keep storage space in the kitchen and keep an eye on future kiddos in the living room while meal prepping in the kitchen.
We are thrilled with how it all turned out and amazed at the difference!”
Today, my son asked, "Can I have a book mark?" and I burst into tears.
11 years old and he still doesn't know my name is Bob.