DISCLAIMER: Typically, we will be sharing work and progress from our clients’ homes. However, we thought we would kick off the blog by sharing Josh and Amanda (of RSW Building)’s experience in transforming their first house with good bones to a home they love!
“Have you ever moved into a house and thought, “WOOF”? When we purchased our home, blackberries covered nearly 1/3 of the entire backyard. There was more trash piled and buried under dirt and rubble than I can count. Trash, needles, bottles, glass, cardboard, blackberries, stickery bushes, blocked entries… The list goes on and on. The one that takes the cake was the plastic bag of human poop hanging from our tree that had liquified over how ever many months it resided there. GROSS. The whole poop bag experience makes me nauseous.
Our backyard DEFINITELY had a lot of junk in the trunk. Over time, and with IMMENSE help from our families, we transformed the yard into a space safe enough for our 22 month old son to run around and play. As it turned out, the blackberries covered a sidewalk that ran along the side of our yard to enclose a perfect garden section. The other heavily blackberried area is now a firepit space. We tore out the grass, leveled and sifted the dirt below, and reseeded the yard over the summer. This way, we knew exactly what we (and our son) would be playing on. Josh dug trenches and installed a sprinkler system, which cares for the garden and yard.
As two people who enjoy projects, we are sure there is more to do. It’s all about the journey, right? But taking breaks on the side of the path is pretty nice too.
The heavy workload on the front end of the project will provide us the ability to relax and simply maintain the backyard later. We are thrilled with the results!”
(P.S. We will update this post as we continue to make this space our own!)
When a dad drives past a graveyard:
“Did you know that's a popular cemetery? Yep, people are just dying to get in there!”